Painted unicorns

Alimisivi, meaning 'Serenity'Alisha'joset, meaning 'Summer son'

Place your cursor upon the image of an adopted creature to see what it's name is.

Alimisivi's stats
Name: Alimisivi
Name meaning: Serenity
Nickname: Ali
Age: Adult
Gender: Female, mare
Sire: Wild
Dam: Wild
Birth charity: Unknown
Charity: Cyr'kasta
Offspring: None
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Theli
ID number: 397
Fostered from:
The Silver Unicorn

Alisha'joset's stats
Name: Alisha'joset
Name meaning: Summer son
Nickname: N/A
Age: Adult
Gender: Male, stallion
Sire: Wild
Dam: Wild
Birth charity: Unknown
Charity: Cyr'sella
Offspring: None
Glory: Unlasta se Cassta
Class: Theli
ID number: 396
Fostered from:
The Silver Unicorn

Painted unicorns were created by Silvanon, and are adopted out by her. The painted unicorns are copyrighted to Silvanon.
Alimisivi and Alisha'joset are adopted out to me, and thus, belong to me.