Painted unicorns

Lumet, meaning 'Brother'
Don'hu're'doteyval, meaning 'Sun in the stream'

Place your cursor upon the image of an adopted creature to see what it's name is.

You look up into the sky as you trudge along and see that the sun has just passed zenith. You wander on, wondering what the next unicorns you meet will be like when you suddenly stop. You hadn't been paying attention and had almost walked smack into a paint stallion standing there. He peers at you from under long, black lashes and mumbles something which could possibly be "sella li", whilst inclining his head. You smile at the stallion, and say "sella li" in return. Seemingly encouraged by your polite behaviour, he tries on a faint smile which suits him well. "I am-... Am Lumet," he says - still very softly - as he looks away from your face and studies his hooves intently. He strikes you as a very shy stallion; however, he seems to be kind and good-natured.

Before either of you can open your mouths to say anything further, your attention is diverted by a rush of colour in the corner of your eye. You turn to look, and see that a second paint is rushing towards you. It's pelt is brown, and it's purple tail, held high, streams after it like a flag. As the paint approaches, you see the silver-gray hooves tearing up the ground. It is almost upon you - surely it will stop just in time? Just when you begin to believe you are about to be trampled under those silver hooves, they are set firmly into the ground. Large wings are extended and angled to help in the attempt at a sort of skidding halt, although it soon becomes obvious that it isn't a success. Stubling forwards to avoid falling flat on it's face, the winged paint barely evades slamming into you.

After the paint finally comes to a full halt, there are several seconds of traumatized silence - then: "Woah!" Instantly you judge this second paint to be another stallion, as he raises his head and then tosses his forelock away from his eyes. His dark eyes glitter excitedly and he dances from one hoof to another, fluttering his wings all the while. "Did ya see that?" he exclaims, "Man, what a rush!" Your thoughts quickly go to adrenaline-junkies. Meanwhile Lumet has an expression on his face suggesting that if he had the courage, he'd tell the hyper-active stallion a thing or two about what he thought of that stunt - which only with much good will could be called a sliding stop. "I'm Dotey," says the dancing stallion, tossing his mane and flicking his tail. You marvel over how completely different these two stallions are. "I'm s'posed to tell you things about me, yeah?" says Dotey, then continues talking a mile a minute; now while dancing around you. "M'dad's Iava'mitesta, an' m'mam's Ethenath." He draws a breath, then goes on. "Dotey's just m'nickname, a'course, m'full name's Don'hu're'doteyval; that's 'sun in the stream' in your tongue. Odd name, innit? No idea what me mam 'n' dad were thinkin'. I like it, though!" He pauses for a second and Lumet takes that oppurtunity to clear his throat rather loudly.

Both you and Dotey turn to him and the raven-maned stallion stares back, with a half-terrified look in his eyes, suggesting that he did something which he is not used to doing - attracting attetntion to himself. He takes a deep breath, then speaks again, not without a timid tone to his voice. "Maybe the wanderer should be on it's way, hm, Dotey?" Dotey glances at you, then gives something of a horsey shrug. "Fair 'nough." He bids you farewell with a flick of his tail, then flies off to do whatever else he deems interesting. Lumet smiles his faint smile again and says: "As I said, you had best be on your way. Alaanti and Shashaar'sella are waiting for you. Fare thee well, wanderer." With that he bows to you, then calmly and almost thoughtfully turns and walks off to the North. Again you think of the differences in the two stallions as you head off to see the next paints.

Lumet's stats
Name: Lumet
Name meaning: Brother
Nickname: N/A
Age: Adult
Gender: Male, stallion
Sire: Korunda're'hasha
Dam: Shexlin
Birth charity: Turrandoti
Charity: Cheillina'vet
Offspring: Reyedil
Glory: Iava Quiesta
Class: Theli
ID number: 203
Fostered from:
The Silver Unicorn
Lumet as a colt:

Don'hu're'doteyval's stats
Name: Don'hu're'doteyval
Name meaning: Sun in the stream
Nickname: Dotey
Age: Adult
Gender: Male, stallion
Sire: Iava'mitesta
Dam: Ethenath
Birth charity: Revsta'ahar
Charity: Evira'xirsta
Offspring: None
Glory: Iava Quiesta
Class: Nitheli
ID number: 241
Fostered from:
The Silver Unicorn
Don'hu're'doteyval as a colt:
Don'hu're'doteyval was gifted to this realm by Lexington!

Painted unicorns were created by Silvanon, and are adopted out by her. The painted unicorns are copyrighted to Silvanon. Lumet and Don'hu're'doteyval are adopted out to me, and thus, belong to me.